Customer Testimonials

These are genuine samples of EACM Services and Customer Feedback

“fast friendly efficient tradesmen. Fantastic job done to our broken gutters and rotten fascias, patio came up like new, now booked again for some fencing and trellis work.”
Mr J Mayhew – Aylsham

“its a pleasant surprise today to get a company that do what they say at a price they quote and finish on time.”
Mr S A Cordner – Aylsham

“My firewood was delivered today in nets and put into my shed great service, great price, and great wood.”
Mrs Moore – Norwich

“I have been using Sam and his talented team for over 3 years know they have carried out numerous jobs on my house from painting, making the chimney stack safe, garden walls and maintenance.”
Dr Stuttaford – Norwich

“We have had lots of jobs completed by EACM for our landlords maintenance on there property’s from inventory’s and general maintenance I would say we use them on average 2 -3 times a month.”
Robert – Wells Lettings

“I have been using Sam for a few years now. What ever job he does for me is always done to the highest of standards. And I will continue to use him in the future.”
Mrs C Ellis – Heathersett